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Work experience


Senior Media Technician Specialist: Brookdale Community College

2005 - present

A Senior Media Technicial Specialist works with faculty, administrators, staff, students, and outside clients to ensure that their classroom, administrative, and individual technological needs are met on a day in and day out basis.  The Senior Media Technician is responsible for monitoring, maintaining, and repairing instructional technologies throughout Brookdale.



Adjunct Instructor: Digital Media 101, Brookdale Community College

2008 - present


Intro to Digital Media 101 (DGMD 101) is an entry level class wich explores the roles of computers, the Internet, multimedia software such as Adobe Creative Cloud and CS6,  social media incluision, the exploration of mobile applications, game design and game concepts and website integration.

Photography Instructor:  Outreach Business and Community Development  (BCD), Brookdale Community College

2012 - present


BCD offers several entry level and introductory photography classes which include: Intro to DSLR, Intro to Low Light Photography, Intro to Street Photography, Intro to Black and White Photography, and an overview of Adobe Lightroom 5. 


Virtual Resume




2010 - present

2010 - present



New Jersey City University M.A., Educational Technology

2006 - 2009

La Salle University B.A., Communcation



Brookdale Community College

CompTiaa Workshops

  • A+ (completion Winter 2015)

  • Network+ (completion Spring 2015)




© 2014 Kevin R. Burkitt

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